Saturday, February 25, 2012

developers cannot make databases

I need help with a permissions problem. I had my network admin create a AD
group with all my developers in it. I then went to the Enterprise Manager,
then to the Login screen and put that AD group into the the SQL Server. Nex
t, I gave that group the Se
rver Role of "Database Creators". There are no databases in the server othe
r than the standard Master, Model, MSDB and Tempdb. Non of these databases
are checked for access.
My developers are connecting to the SQL Server with the Server Explorer in .
NET2003 but cannot make any databases. We are using Windows Only security o
n the database server. The error message says SQLState 42000 and Error 4064
, Cannot open user default
database login failed.
There is no default database because they have not made one yet.Use Enterprise Manager to determine what the default database is for the
developers group. I'd set it to tempdb, to which everyone automatically has
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada
"rich" <> wrote in message
I need help with a permissions problem. I had my network admin create a AD
group with all my developers in it. I then went to the Enterprise Manager,
then to the Login screen and put that AD group into the the SQL Server.
Next, I gave that group the Server Role of "Database Creators". There are
no databases in the server other than the standard Master, Model, MSDB and
Tempdb. Non of these databases are checked for access.
My developers are connecting to the SQL Server with the Server Explorer in
.NET2003 but cannot make any databases. We are using Windows Only security
on the database server. The error message says SQLState 42000 and Error
4064, Cannot open user default database login failed.
There is no default database because they have not made one yet.

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